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Planned Giving

Consider naming Ozarks Public Television in a bequest, asset or trust.

Over the years, Ozarks Public Broadcasting has received thoughtful gifts through charitable bequests that have made a huge impact.  These gifts have helped OPT provide public television programs and services to the Ozarks for 50 years.  We are grateful beyond words to those who have considered us for such a gift.

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Begin planning your legacy

To show our appreciation to you for being a friend of Ozarks Public Television, we've partnered with FreeWill to help you create your legal will. It’s 100% free to you, and most people finish in 30 minutes or less.  It’s easy to use, accessible online, and there is no obligation. You can use this resource on its own, or use it to document your wishes before finalizing your plans with an attorney.

FreeWillRemember the people and causes you love by creating an estate plan with FreeWill

Protect your loved ones with FreeWill’s easy-to-use, legally sound estate planning tool that allows you to write a valid will in just 20 minutes and support the causes you love.

Have you already included us in your will or trust? 

Please fill out this form to let us know!  We would love to thank you for your thoughtfulness. 

Non-probate assets

Do you have an IRA, 401(k), life-insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will? If so, these are called non-probate assets and you must plan your beneficiaries for them separately. Use this online tool to make your plans and designate us as a beneficiary of one or more of these assets. 

What is the Legacy Circle?

The Legacy Circle is made up of people who believe strongly in the power of public broadcasting. These individuals seek to ensure the future of public television in the Ozarks beyond their own lifetime by including OPT in their estate plans. These gifts take many forms including wills, charitable gift annuities, trust arrangements, real estate gifts, life insurance policies and more.

How can I join the Legacy Circle?

Joining the Legacy Circle is easy! Simply communicate your intentions to include OPT in your estate plans. You can do that by contacting Lori Street at 417-836-3506 or

How can I include OPT in my estate planning?

OPT operates under the non-profit status of the Missouri State University Foundation. Estate gifts should be made to the Missouri State University Foundation with Ozarks Public Television designated as the recipient.  You can provide a gift to OPT through the FreeWill tool provided, but if you prefer not to use the FreeWill tool, below are commonly requested information to help you and your estate advisors:

Missouri State University Foundation    
Designation: Ozarks Public Television
Kenneth E. Meyer Alumni Center
300 South Jefferson, Suite 100
Springfield, MO  65806

Tax ID Number (EIN): 43-1234200

Sample Bequest Language: I give to the Missouri State University Foundation, 300 South Jefferson, Suite 100, Springfield, MO 65806 the sum of $____________ (or percentage of estate), to be designated for distribution to Ozarks Public Television.

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We hope you will explore your options and consider OPT as you think about planned giving.