KEHILA KEDOSHA (Hebrew for “Sacred Community”) is the latest feature documentary from Ozarks Public Television, focusing on the history of Jewish migration, assimilation, and heritage in the Missouri Ozarks. From the arrival of the first Jews in North America in 1654, to the population boom and western expansion in the 1800’s and the continued cultural and economic influence today, the development of the Jewish community in the Missouri Ozarks is a microcosm of the intricate history of Jews in the greater United States. Inspired by the research of local author, historian, and retired MSU faculty member Mara Cohen Ioannides, KEHILA KEDOSHA explores the history of Jewish immigration in North America, and in Missouri specifically, and highlights some of the many prominent Jewish families, businesses, and religious communities in Springfield and the surrounding areas, and their influence on the diverse social tapestry of the region.
Now Streaming!
Explore contributions of Jews in the Ozarks, and their lasting impact on the region's development
Support Provided By:

Jewish Heritage in the Missouri Ozarks
Broadcast Premiere Thursday, May 9th 2024