Discover local theaters that have brought iconic films of the past century to Springfield.
Ozarks Public Television’s newest locally-produced documentary, “Now Showing – The Life
and Times of Springfield Movie Theaters” is set to premier on Thursday, May 25 at 8:00 pm.
This one-hour nostalgic presentation is an entertaining look at the origin, history, and highlights
of local movie theaters. Through archival clippings, images, video, and informed personal insights,
“Now Showing – The Life and Times of Springfield Movie Theaters” recreates the novelty of the
movie-going experience where audiences often sat in architecturally splendid auditoriums and
watched wide-eyed as the adventures of their favorite stars filled two-story screens.
“It’s been wonderfully fun and informative to develop this special documentary and to experience
the support of so many individuals,” said OPT programming and production manager Tom Carter. “It
remains an always much-enjoyed pleasure and privilege for OPT to help tell and share these unique
and diverse local stories.”
Rachel Knight, Ozarks Public Television’s General Manager, agrees. “Movies are an inseparable part
of our American culture, of our social and cultural landscape. ‘Now Showing’ takes a look at the
many local theaters that have brought iconic films of the past century to Springfield. Viewers will
reminisce about the theaters where they saw their favorite films, remember the spots long
forgotten, and perhaps even learn about some theaters they never got the chance to visit.”
“Now Showing – The Life and Times of Springfield Movie Theaters” premieres on Ozarks Public
Television’s main channel on Thursday, May 25 at 8:00 pm and re-airs on Sunday, May 28 at 6:00 pm.
The documentary will be available to stream on on May 29.
Support provided by Jan & Gary Baumgartner
Broadcast Premiere Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 8:00 pm
Re-airs on Sunday, May 28 at 6:00 pm.